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Leap Day Placement and the International Date Line

Writer's picture: Nick VanderLaanNick VanderLaan

In this video I provide the logical reason where to add the Leap Day to the Solar Cycle to sync the worlds' Enoch Calendar. I then prove the current international dateline to be incorrect and suggest the new international dateline.

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Dr V
Dr V
Sep 19, 2020

Greetings brother Nick, I am grateful for your zeal and obedience to our yhwh almighty our elohim, redeemer and coming king. hallelujah!

In regards to your start of the "calendar" being March 21st "1st month (Abib) March 21", 2020, please consider Enoch's account of yhwh's division of days, ch 72. I suggest rather than take the accounting of the gregorian calendar as to when the 1st day of the 1st month is, consider yhwh's division of days wherein the 1st day of the first month is when the day following the day of "when night equals day" is in fact the 1st day of the 1st month.

enoch chapter 72 v32 on the day that the night has shortened to nine…


May 01, 2020

Dear Mr Nick. Thank you brother for all your prayers n study n charity in sharing all that you are given. I am praying for your recovery n for your family’s needs n safety.

Brother. Can you do me a Huge Favor ????? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻📖📖📖

I am in need of the 2019-2029 Enoch Spreadsheet Calendar sent you my email as I cannot print it off my cell. I don’t know why. It just shows one page to print. I sure hope you see this comment. I need to learn so much n your spreadsheet is ingenious. I have a few learning boo boos so this chronological itemization of events is actually an answer to my pleadings to my Heavenly Father Yahuah.…


May 01, 2020

Dear Nick Vanderlaan

I am new. I am grateful to Yahuah for leading me to your site n calendar. I have been agonizing over this since my Holy Spirit conversion in 2016

And have been misled more times than I can count. I am praying for your hospital recovery n I have asked deeply that your don’t loose any digits, that your wife is feeding baby healthy n that all your other children are healthy n all safe n sound in Yahuah’s arms n with our Savior n in The Holy Spirit.

🙏🏻📖❤️☀️ Please Mr Nick:

I have a big favor to ask you now. Can you email me the full 2019-2029 Enoch spreadsheet as I cannot print it out…

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